

Over 125 Carrick Institute scholar-clinicians have already successfully incorporated the NSI system into their practice.
To see what the NSI has to offer for your practice and patients, please view the videos of all of the NSI system’s procedures.
Note that we always send the NSI on a two-month trial to assure your satisfaction.

*Special Offer* For a limited time, for Carrick Institute scholars we are offering a free expansion module to anyone who purchases the NSI system.

Using a 50 inch HD TV and touch screen, the NSI is designed to offer a host of therapy procedures to a wide range of patients requiring visual or neuro therapy following: Decelerated closed head injury, Accelerated closed head injury, Strokes and CVA, Concussion and Diffuse Axonal Injury, Whip Lash Injuries, MVA, Neurological Disorders, Vestibular and Balance Disorders and Upper Extremity or Spinal Cord Injury.

The programmable instrument offers procedures to improve; Pursuits, Saccades, Eye-Hand Coordination, Visual Reaction Time, Speed and Span of Recognition, Visual-Vestibular Integration, Ocularmotor Skills, Visual Motor Skills and Neuro-Cognitive Skills.

13 Therapy Categories
Each category offers several customizable procedures.

The programmable instrument offers procedures to improve; Pursuits, Saccades, Eye-Hand Coordination, Visual Reaction Time, Speed and Span of Recognition, Visual-Vestibular Integration, Ocularmotor Skills, Visual Motor Skills and Neuro-Cognitive Skills.

7 Categories offering
40 Procedures including:

• Eye Hand
• Saccades
• Custom Tracking
• Auditory Visual Timing
• Tachistoscope
• OptoKinetics
• Visual Motor

– Vestibular Balance
– Rotator
– Memory Saccades
– Go no go
– Charts
– Balance Targeting

The adjustable stand accommodates patients of different heights and also allows wheelchair access for disabled/non-ambulatory patients.
The programmable instrument offers procedures to improve; Pursuits, Saccades, Eye-Hand Coordination, Visual Reaction Time, Speed and Span of Recognition, Visual-Vestibular Integration, Ocularmotor Skills, Visual Motor Skills and Neuro-Cognitive Skills.

Balance Board

The NSI incorporates a Wii Balance Board allowing a Vestibular component to be added to all therapy procedures.

Selectable Parameters
Selectable Parameters
Allows modification of all procedure’s variables. Stimuli may be quadrant loaded for TBI and Stroke patients.

Eye-Hand Program
Visual Abilities Remediated/Enhanced in the Eye-Hand Program

Numbers-Letters/Word-Verbal Saccades
Numbers/Letters/Word /Verbal Saccades
Builds skill in saccadic accuracy and develops automaticity.

Customizable Tracking Procedure
Customizable Tracking Procedure
The Customizable Tracking Procedure allows the creation of custom Pursuits, Saccades and Saccadic Gap Pursuits procedures.

Visual Motor
Visual Motor
Visual Abilities Remediated/Enhanced.

Programmable Metronome
Programmable Metronome
Visual Abilities Remediated/Enhanced in the Metronome Program

Visual Abilities Remediated/Enhanced in the Tachistoscope Program.

Horizontal, vertical and oblique Optokinetic procedures with fixation tracking available.

NSI Storage and Graphing of Results Data
Storage and Graphing of Results Data
The results of each patient’s therapy sessions are stored for review. The data may be displayed both numerically and graphically.

NSI Balance Graph
Balance Graph
Visual representations of your patients’ balance posture for all therapy procedures.